
Changes to the PwC Plus terms of use

Dear ###name###,

the terms and conditions for the use of PwC Plus will be adjusted shortly.

The change was made in Section 1. General. Here we have added a supplementary paragraph on chargeable services in the fourth place.

If you do not object to the validity of the new terms of use within two weeks of receiving this e-mail, the amended terms will be deemed to have been accepted.

If you do not agree with the change in the terms of use, you can delete your PwC Plus account at any time. To do so, click on your user name after logging in and then select "Delete Account".

New PwC Plus terms of use
Your contact
Dr. Ruth Elsholz and PwC Plus Team
Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 9585-2462
PwC Plus Team
PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
WP StB Martin Scholich

Management Board:
WP StB Petra Justenhoven • WP Stefan Frühauf • WP Daniela Geretshuber • Rusbeh Hashemian • FCA Erik Hummitzsch • WP Clemens Koch • Damir Maras • WP StB Dietmar Prümm • StB RA Björn Viebrock

Domicile: Frankfurt am Main • Registered in the Commercial Register at Amtsgericht (German District Court) Frankfurt am Main HRB No. 10785

PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftprüfungsgesellschaft is a German Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (German public audit firm) both admitted and registered in Germany in the Berufsregister (public register of Wirtschaftsprüfer and Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften) as number 150 9 337 by the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (German Chamber of Public Accountants).