FAQ and Feedback

In order to get along with PwC Plus still better, we provide an assistance for you. As it is updated constantly, we appreciate your feedback.

Please contact de_knowledgetransfer@pwc.com


How can I manage my account?

You find your personal account (username) in the upper horizontal navigation. From here you can proceed to "My Alerts” and "My Favorites".

You can update your personal data and preferences at any time.

What are subscriptions?

Subscriptions consist of the topics you have selected from the PwC Plus offer. You can subscribe to all topics that are available for you and get updates as well as RSS feed.

Here you can find our service offerings in detail.

How do I receive an alert?

Under "username" you can tailor your personal news. You simply click on "username/alert", mark your preferences and save. 

The alert for PwC employees is sent daily. Our external users receive it once a week on Fridays or optionally daily.

For staff only: Gray and therefore inactive are your mandatory topics that can't be tailored for the alert.

How can I manage my favorites?

In the upper horizontal menu bar you find your favorites under the button "Favorites". Here you can store single documents or articles by clicking on "save as favorite" within the chosen document.

The stored documents are listed by day of addition. Favorites not needed any more can be deleted by clicking the x-Icon.

How do I navigate within PwC Plus?

Best start for orientation is the upper horizontal navigation bar that contains all menu options. The home page gives an overview over the most recent documents. More content you find in chronological order by the menu item “Topics” (see below).

What are topics?

Topics are the content units from the area Financial Services, other industries like Healthcare & Pharma as well as generic issues like accounting and tax.

An overview you find under "Services and offerings". 

Which topics are available for you can be verified by clicking on "username (profile)" in the upper horizontal menu bar and then choosing "Alerts".

Topics are listed in alphabetical order. 

This is as well the list for tailoring your personal alert.

What is the E-Library?

The E-Library contains selected PwC publications, mainly from the "Fachverlag Moderne Wirtschaft", regarding issues relevant for PwC Plus users and primarily for online reading.

What are pronouncements?

For clients with a full service subscription we provide all pronouncements of the IDW (Institute of Public Auditors in Germany), DRSC (Accounting Standards Committee of Germany) and IFRS Foundation within PwC Plus: 

  • IDW Auditing Standards,
  • IDW Accounting Principles,
  • all DRSC standards,
  • all IFRS Accounting Standards.

Please note that the pronouncements within PwC Plus are mainly in German!


How does PwC Plus search work?

With PwC Plus search you have accurate research facilities at your fingertips.  You can either filter your search term by special criteria or use in addition the faceted search to narrow your search results.

Please note: The system adjusts or shortens the search queries if necessary (e.g. if they are very long).

Phrase search with quotation marks:

You can look for the entered search terms in quotation marks (" ") if you ask for entire phrases or an exact expression, e.g. "Implementing Technical Standards".

Boolean Operators - OR, AND, NOT:

  • If you use more than one term in the free text search they are combined automatically with “OR” which gives the union of the search terms (e.g. Verbriefung OR Securitisation or Verbriefung Securitisation).
    At least one of the entered search terms must be included, this is especially useful when searching for different spellings or the same term in different languages.
  • By using the operator "AND", you get the intersection of the search terms (e.g. Implementing AND Technical AND Standards).
  • If you enter several search terms combined with “NOT” or the minus sign operator (-search term), the search term after the NOT or the minus (-) will be excluded from your results (e.g. Implementing NOT Technical or Implementing –Technical).

IMPORTANT: For the operators to be recognized, they must be written in capital letters! Using AND and NOT only the exact notation is considered.

Use of capital and small initial letters:

Case-sensitivity does not need to be considered when formulating the search queries (e.g. IFRS or ifrs has the same search results).

Show the search results:

You can sort your search results either according to relevance or publication date. By default, relevance is selected.